The Well Ordering Principle

Smallest Numbers

Consider the natural numbers $\mathbb{N}$, what is the smallest number? Clearly the answer is $0$, as it is smaller than every positive number, and there are no negative numbers in $\mathbb{N}$ so it must have $0$ as the smallest.

Now consider $A={1,2,3}\subset\mathbb{N}$, does this subset have a smallest number? This isn’t a trick question, the answer is pretty clearly $1$.

What about the set of all even numbers $\mathbb{E}={0,2,4,\ldots}$?. Again this is pretty straightforward to see the answer is $0$. This is pretty simple, but it leads to a very important theorem that proves to be quite useful in theoretical mathematics.

Well Ordering Principle: Every non-empty subset of the natural numbers $A$ contains a smallest element.

Proof We will do this using a proof both by induction and contradiction. Assume that there exists some set $A\subset\mathbb{N}$ where $A\neq\varnothing$ and $A$ does not have a smallest item. If $A$ does not have a smallest item, then $0\not\in A$ because $0$ is the smallest possible natural number, so if $0$ was inside $A$ then it would automatically be the smallest item.
Now we will show that $A$ must actually be empty by induction. Assume that for some value $n$, every natural number $< n$ is not in $A$, so $$ \begin{align} 0&\not\in A \\\\ 1&\not\in A \\\\ &\vdots \\\\ n-1&\not\in A \end{align}$$ since none of the values are in $A$, if $n\in A$ that would make $n$ the smallest item. But since $A$ has no smallest item we know that means $n\not\in A$. Continuing our argument we know by induction that $n+1, n+2, n+3\ldots\not\in A$ and since we have our base case $0\not\in A$, we know this means that for every $x\in\mathbb{N}$, $x\not\in A$. This means that $A=\varnothing$ which contradicts our assumption $A$ was non-empty and proves our claim

It turns out you can use the Well Ordering Principle to prove some properties of sets by considering the set of all conter examples, and finding a contradiction involving the smallest element of counterexample.
